Friday, February 24, 2012

homeward bound

So lately I've been really homesick and just having a really hard time. After spending countless hours online shopping for my pinterest closet and hours upon hours on the phone with my mommy I decided, instead of flying my mom out here for my/her birthday, that I am going to fly home for spring break. My flight tickets are booked (still have to book my shuttle but whatever) and I am SOOOOOOOOO excited!! I just found out too that my sister is going to come home for the weekend while I am there so we can ALL be together!!! Spending time with my mom and sister are always my favorite moments. We don't always get along, granted if we are all together for longer than 72 hours there will most likely be a disagreement of some sort, we all still love each other. I know that I would lay down my life for either of them. I can't wait to get back home and just sit on the couch with them eating chinese food. Oh and possibly some haven't had pizza untill you've had some chicago deep dish. My sister and I both love too bake too, so you can for sure plan on some baking adventure blogs too.

This time I'm flying not driving too ... though I do love road trips

The countdown to March 8th begins :)))) 

Love always

Sunday, February 12, 2012

soley honest


So many women dream of having a closet filled with beautiful shiny new heels. They are one of those things that so many women collect. Buying a new pair just so they can wear them once and then never touch them again. They look beautiful in your closet next to the other rows of pointie sharp weapons. They are one of those things that can turn a classy innocent woman into a murder if she decides to throw it at you. .... they are deadly killers. Not only to other people but mostly to your bank account. 
Christian Louboutin, the beautiful super expensive shoes with red soles. An essential item to every upper east sider in New York City and fashionistas alike. 
Heels are one of those things that can turn a dull outfit into an instant beauty. It brings your look from work, to dinner, to play all in out easy step.

okay confession time now...
Though my passion for accessories falls more toward purses, shoes are really starting to catch my intrigue. Though I think it is highly unnecessary to have 50 of the same looking shoes, I do think every women should have at least one pair of heels in her closet. I always wished that I could wear heels but I always had some excuse not to. At first my excuse was only girly girls wear them. As grew older that changed to, I am too tall to wear heels (Taylor Swift proved me wrong there). Now it is just the fear of them, if I wear them I will face plant. Falling in public with nothing to trip me is not an uncommon event for me. You're talking to a person who falls going up the stairs, yes up. Now lets throw a pair of towering heels into the mix; but don't leave out the stairs, uneven sidewalks, wet floors, dry floors, and the coordination thing such as the concept of actually walking = recipe for a broken face and/or a twisted ankle. This is the reason I never wear heels, even though sometimes I really want to. 

I introduce to you ... the mini heels. I saw these on pintrest and I love them! I need to get myself a pair. They are heels but they are only 2-3 inches rather than the 5-8 supermodel shoes. I also figured out that wedges are a lot easier to walk in then the small little tips and they make short wedges too!

Even with this my beautiful three pairs of heels still sit in my closet rarely worn and untouched. 

Self Resolutions:
1- I will start to wear my heels. I will never learn to walk in them if I never wear them. 
2-I will own a pair of Louboutins before I die. Not only own them, but I will wear them and walk with confidence and no fear of falling.

these will be mine.

the hungry games

Tonight it was my night to make dinner. I had been planning on making this chicken and rice dish all week but I was informed that we were going down to Hurricane tomorrow so I had to make it tonight. What?! I'm new to this whole cooking thing, you have to give me time to prepare myself before I can just whip stuff together!! 
Besides my minor internal freak out, my thoughts also went to ... I am starving right now and there is no way I can wait 40 minutes for this rice to cook. So, I took a step back and came up with a brilliant idea.

Breakfast for dinner!! 

I ran to the kitchen and started searching for everything that I needed. Being a college student we never use the dishwasher, to save money, and we already had a pile of dishes in the sink. Think Courtney, what can you do to use as minimal dishes as possible....the magic bullet! Brillllliant (said in a mastermind voice) Those things are a wonderful amazing invention. If you don't have one you should get one. Just sayin
I grabbed the pancake mix and threw in the ingredients. In the mean time I found some sausage patties in the fridge....perfect. I cranked up the ipod and started on my breakfast dinner adventure. 
I don't know how many of you have ever made sausages before, but when you are hyper and can't sit still they are one of the last things you want to make. Sitting and waiting is not something I am very good at. So in between cooking the sausages and pancakes I did all of the dishes in the sink and the magic bullet. From there I went dancing around the kitchen and singing to my own words (I never really know the words to songs so I just make them up). 
Another challenge of making food for other people; you cant eat as you go. You have to make all the food and then share it with everyone. Okay the sharing part is kind of fun. However, the letting it sit on a plate and stare at you while you finish cooking the other amazingly smelling foods. Let's just say that I made 5 pancakes .... but he only thought I made 4 :) shhh don't tell
To top off my beautiful breakfast dinner I threw some chocolate chips into the batter and add a bit of syrup. I went to bed with a smile on my face and a very happy tummy. 

Love Always

PS... If you ever make pancakes but don't finish them put them in a zip-block baggie and stick them in the fridge. The next morning when you want to eat them again put them in the toaster. It sounds kind of funny but trust me they are sooo yummy.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

the journey

I probably will break this story up into a bunch of posts but I figured I would get started. Let's start with the basics. 

I was born in the beautiful town of Spring Lake, New Jersey but I was raised in the even better city of Chicago, Illinois. I grew up in the musical theater industry working in the American Girl Doll theater for five years, starting at age 9. It was probably one of the best experiences of my life. I would love tocontinue with it and become some famous actress someday but lets face it... my timing kind of stinks and I have zero connections with directors. So I have decided to go to college. 
I started my college life out living at home and attending Lewis University. Here my major was international business management...what a joke. I was on their nationally ranked All-Girl cheer team as well as their awesome ocapella group, Hamonic Uprising (youtube them, we are pretty sweet). 
Well like most families mine has its struggles. I am going to refrain from giving much information about my family but we all know that no family is perfect. ... Well it turned out that staying at home just wasn't working out and I needed something new. 
Thankfully over the summer God had blessed me with an amazing boyfriend. He also just happened to be one of the most loving and gracious people I have ever met. So my journey across the country began. 
Destination: Utah

That's right I said it...UTAH. The place where movie mountains live. I currently am attending school here and would like to be an elementary education major. For right now I am living with boyfriend, in my own room, until I can find some new roommates who want to start our play house. Let me tell you, coming from a house of all girls into an apartment with two college boys....yea its a bit of a change but those stories are for a later date. 

So I am now a second semester freshman at a new school in a new state that I just moved to knowing a total of .... one. Slowly as classes have started my number is rising, thank goodness. This has not by any means been an easy transition, but I am happy with the decision I've made and I love my new home. 


Chocolate Tea and Peonies
Alright well I have never really blogged before.To be honest, I really am not much of a writer at all. 

I am not really sure what this blog is going to turn into either. I am kind of going to use it as my everything page. Sometimes you may see my finger typing skills, other times you  can get an inside into my love of fashion. I also like to bake random treats for no reason. Cooking on the other hand is a skill I'm still trying to master so I'm sure some of those endeavors will end up on here too. I am working on a few different scrap books and crafts, so those might pop up somewhere in there too. See what I mean by my everything blog.  

If you have any ideas for tutorials I will be more than willing to help you out there too; fashion, hair, crafts, music, design, ect. So please feel free to help me out!

Love always,

P.S. ... If anyone wants to teach me how to get all the cool fonts, embedded pictures and links, all those side bar tabs, and the other fun stuff that goes along with it. That would be greatly appreciated. :)