Tuesday, August 28, 2012

update from the SUU library

Well my friends my beautiful summer is of

{however it twas an amazing one}

I had the most spectacular time going home for those two weeks
Words can't describe that amazing feelings and warmth that, that place brings me
I spent a lot of time with my mom and dad 
and I got to hang out with almost all of my friends

I also found out that some of my friends actually read this thing! 
I was very excited to hear that :))

Knowing now that I have readers I wanted to let you know what was going on

I got back to Utah safely
though I almost got stranded in Huston, Texas and then
would have had so spend a night in the Las Vegas air port.
not cool I know
Praise the Lord everything worked out though

My new apartment looks great

{though still no internet}
Thus why this has zero pictures and I am doing it from the school Library

I have to go to class 

my classes are beyond hard and my next one is just frustrating.
i will explain later

Hope you all are having a great first week back!!!

Stay tuned for real posts later!!

Love Always <3