Friday, March 29, 2013

shhhh we're hunting wabbits

This past weekend I wanted to go on an adventure
my prince charming of course was very happy to escort me in this

Being in Utah
{and on a quest to become a wilderness girl}
He took me rabbit hunting

*all my friends back home freak out*
cool your jets   
It's actually really fun

While my prince charming is a master with the weapons
they still kind of really intimidate me

I usually just shoot at the targets that he points out
but when we were in the truck and saw a bird
I jumped
and I GOT IT!! 

After spending the next forever 20 minutes trying to find my kill
[we both got really excited and totally lost where it was. that and all dead plants look the same]  
Finally my prince found it
so I could proudly take a picture with it
cheesen so hard
so proud i took 2 actually like 10 but i'm only posting these

I shot it from the truck window
{about 65 yards and the gun is a 17 for any of you who want to know} 

 We also found a really cool hiding spot in the mountains that someone is reconstructing 
[this place is hiden with wonders!]      

in the cave thing we found ... he is SO handsome
looking down inside

Though prince's kills out weighed mine by a lot 
I've never been prouder of just my one little tally mark

Next up on wilderness girl adventures
-shooting a bird
-peeing outside
-truck mudding 

 {girls tell me the secret ... cuz i just can't seem to do it} 

super cool crows nest in the old barn
me and my favorite pup Ally under the nest

Love Always,

Royal Flush

Jeans: SevenJeans   BasicWhiteLongSleeve: Target  (similar here)
Jacket: BirthdayGift (similar here)   Scarf: DownEastOutfitters (in store only)
This week has just been one of "those" weeks

I've been dealt a very large and 
very complicated hand
{I don't know about you}
but personally 
   when I'm dealt such hands as these I tend to think

Not just your general thinking though
I think ... and rethink ... and then over think ... and then think again

{some times i even put different situations together and then out comes to each and new situations for those out comes. i know it makes my brain hurt too ... and all too often}

I get SO far ahead of myself that I forget what I am even doing
I'll give myself a panic attacks trying to plan out 
2 years from now
[oh yea i take it that far]
It keeps me up till very late hours of the night 
and honestly puts strain on my heart
sometimes really affecting my attitude and out look on each day 

I guess being in college I'm at that age where this kind of thing is common
well at least I think ...?
Not really even that I'm in college. More so just the time period of life I'm in

    I try my very hardest to live each day in the present
Being thankful for everything that I've been blessed with
and the life that I lived yesterday and years past
I try to take each task as it's given to me
and try not to worry about my up coming tasks and road decisions 
{even though i can visibly see several forks up ahead}      

I know that God is going to provide for me 
and that He is generally and constantly looking out for me
but sometimes it's almost impossible to NOT think
"Well, what if?!" 

So here I am
running my mind in circles again
thinking and trying but also praying

I know my foot steps are strong
[and well thought out that's for sure haha jk]  
I am confident in who I am

I may not know where I'm going yet 
but I know that I have a purpose and a path

Love Always,


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

dreaming of rain storms

Good morning sun shines!!
I hope you are all having a great week so far
With this warm weather I decided to bust out the sandals!
Oh and my sun burns are actually some what looking like tan too!
{this is big news}
Hope you all have a great week!
[if you like what you see make sure to hit the follow button]
you can follow with any yahoo or gmail account 

inspiration for the look
found on pinterest

Trench Coat: Tobi (found here)       Skull Scarf: Tobi  (found here) 
both were birthday presents

Peplum Top: TJMax (similar here or here)        Jeans: BoomBoom (similar here or here)  
Necklace: Forever21  (similar here)        Sandals: Payless (similar here)
Love Always,

Monday, March 18, 2013

you are my sunshine

 Sweater: AnnTaylor (similar here)   Leggings: Rue21  (similar here)  Necklace: F21 (similar here)    Boots: Payless (similar here)

Today is a bitter sweet kind of day
because spring break is officially over
{no no no that hurts my eyes to read}

That means time to get back to the old routine
 getting up everyday at 7am
going to school
going to work
and studying my butt off

On the plus side though
my break was amazing!

I have really been blessed with some truly amazing people
{and i am SO thankful for every single one of them}

Cedar had total spring break weather too
[which was crazy seeing as it snowed with week before break]
It was literally 60-80 degrees the entire week

I went on a few runs
[its a slow process this getting in shape business]
and my roommate and I even got to lay out at the beach
{and i got burnt to a crisp}
It was SO GREAT!

I also had my 21st birthday over break
My prince charming took me to a little "mini vegas" town 
and we had lots and lots of fun
and we ate lots and lots of sushi
minus the fact that I didn't get carded anywhere we went   

I got loads of super cute things for my birthday too
{stay tuned because they will all make their appearance on the blog soon}

I am definitely going to need some coffee to get me through my closing shift tonight 
{i used to hate it when my mom used to get lipstick on my cups. Now look at me}

Love Always,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

all because i ripped my pants

a little music to set the mood

Blouse: mom's closet (similar here)   Tank: American Eagle (similar here)   Shorts: DIY  (similar here)  
Tights: Marshals (similar here)  Shoes: F21 (similar here)     Necklace: F21  (similar here)

Hair clip: F21 (similar and better here)

So I wore this outfit to work the other day 
I made the shorts out of an old pair of 90's jeans I found at the thrift shop

Well it was a very sad day
{and a good thing i was wearing tights}

Working retail I am always bending down, picking things up,
and constantly moving all the time

While changing a mannequin
I bent down
and totally ripped my shorts!
[right down the crotch]

Most people would be pretty embarassed
but to me things like this happen
all. the. time.
The customer's in the store thought it was pretty funny too
[after they realized that it was my pants ripping and not me letting out some gas]   

I guess I have a new excuse to make some new ones now
>maybe with some studs<

R.I.P. Shorts
{you were loved and worn well}

Love Always,