This past weekend I wanted to go on an adventure
my prince charming of course was very happy to escort me in this
Being in Utah
{and on a quest to become a wilderness girl}
He took me rabbit hunting
*all my friends back home freak out*
cool your jets
It's actually really fun
While my prince charming is a master with the weapons
they still kind of really intimidate me
I usually just shoot at the targets that he points out
but when we were in the truck and saw a bird
I jumped
and I GOT IT!!
After spending the next forever 20 minutes trying to find my kill
[we both got really excited and totally lost where it was. that and all dead plants look the same]
Finally my prince found it
so I could proudly take a picture with it
cheesen so hard
{about 65 yards and the gun is a 17 for any of you who want to know}
We also found a really cool hiding spot in the mountains that someone is reconstructing
[this place is hiden with wonders!]
in the cave thing we found ... he is SO handsome
looking down inside
Though prince's kills out weighed mine by a lot
I've never been prouder of just my one little tally mark
Next up on wilderness girl adventures
-peeing outside
{girls tell me the secret ... cuz i just can't seem to do it}