Monday, January 14, 2013

generations past

Good morning my lovelies! 

I do realize that I have majorly been slacking on my posts
and I am truly sorry
School started back up again this week 
So things have been preee-tty crazy

On the up side though 
I am officially a resident of UTAH
{The most beautiful place ever and the home of the gorgeous movie mountains}     

Christmas break was awesome
I didn't get to see everyone I was hoping to see 
but I am so thankful for the ones that I did get to see

It's funny
Sometimes I watch the movies and the TV shows
or I see all the pictures of some of the kids I went to school with
[they all went pre-k through high school and are still "bffs" throughout college]
and I think to myself gee I wish I had a group of girl friends I've been friends with forever
Then I remember I have a best friend that is even better
We've known each other since we were 5 years old
and yes he is a boy
We don't always quite see eye to eye on every aspect of life but we accept each other for who we are.
Isn't that what real friends are supposed to do?
I know no matter what I say or do
he may laugh and tease me
but I know there is no judgement
       We don't talk every single day ... in fact sometimes we go months and even a couple years without really seeing or hearing too much from each other
{we're working on it}
But no matter how long we go without talking or how far we are away from each othe
When we get back together it's like nothing has ever even changed
and I love it
I was to thankful that I got to spend sometime with him over break
because his words of advice and opinion mean more to me than just about anyones
{excluding you mom don't worry}

I also got to go to Ohio and see my grandmother
She has been really sick so if I was to tell you I wasn't nervous about going
it would be a lie
She is doing much better now though and I'm super thankful

If you have never been to Ohio I suggest you go
because it is also a very beautiful place

One of the days my mom took my for a drive to the town were she grew up
We had pizza at the old parlor she used to go to as a kid
{it wasn't deep dish but it was pretty fricken yummy}
She showed me her high school and all the old hand out spots
it was probably one of the high lights of my entire break

Maybe it's just me but there is something about family history 
and learning about all the beautiful things 
and hearing all the stories behind different items that just really intrigues me

I hope you all had a great holiday break and are starting off the New Year right!
I would love to hear some of your awesome New Year plans 
[I have some pretty sweet ideas for this year]

Love Always <3

My little santa babies

mommy daughter time doesn't get any better than that

I got bangs

when i packed up to leave Belle sat by my stuff 
miss my little piggy 

my moms apartment is amazing in every sense of the word

throw back from a lot of christmas' ago
Rest in Peace Grandpa Jim <3 

this amazing cabin we had lunch at one day
it was literally a winter wonderland inside 

because my grandmother was so sick she couldn't make it to church on christmas
so my mom and i went and brought back the candles
so we could do our own candle light service at the house with her  

talk about heavenly


i want to find a love like this

another highlight of the trip
it had been far too long and was amazing 

Happy New Year!!! 

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