Sunday, September 9, 2012

College Affairs

Well hello beautifuls 
I hope you are all having a great time at school and all other walks of life

School so far this semester has been SO much fun
I have my two best friends 
Jackie and Dayana
They are both beautiful and amazing

I am learning a lot of new things from hanging out with them
mostly random spanish words ... how to cook yummy foods ... and other fun random cultural facts

I think that it is safe to say that no matter what we are doing we are always having fun
I know that I can trust them and that we will always be there to cover eachother's backs

Driving through Cedar to Walmart with them the first week of school
I just knew that this was going to be a great semester
The conversations were all about all the awesome things we are going to do this semester
and all the fun crazy summer stories 

It was like none of us had ever left 

The first week of school we went to this movie on the lawn thing 
We all sat with our blankets and popcorn on the big practice football field and watched the Hunger Games on this giant projector screen that SUU had set up
Jackie and I hit every food table
and despite getting yelled at to only take one cookie per person
We each took three cookies from each table 
Giving us a total of 18 cookies for all of us to share
oh we are so rebelous

During the week we meet up at each others houses in between classes to just hang out and eat. We always switch off who makes dinner and lunch ...
but it usually just ends up with us all bring something to contribute
ending in one giant feast 

i don't have any pictures of  the things that we've made 
but trust me when i say that they are all super yummy
They've both been trying to teach me how to make mexican food
... mine never turns out like there's does ... 
but i teach them how to make some of my food too 
which is always pretty comical in and of itself 

Last weekend Jackie went home
But Dayana and I went to the SUU Splater Paint party Dance
It was SO much fun
After waiting forever to get in and working out way to the very front row
Every minute of waiting to totally worth it
We left there totally covered in paint
{literally covered from head to toe}
We danced out butts off 
I ended up with bruises on my knees from the guard rails and paint up my nose
it. was. awesome.

This weekend was pretty crazy too
We had been planning our sleepover all week 
Friday night we went down to St. George and went the the Nerd dance at Dance Factory
{well first we went to my house and raided my closet for funny clothes to wear}
The DJ kind of really sucked 
But the three of us had so much fricken fun
We left there looking like we all had just stepped out of the shower
>They really need to figure out a better air system for dances<
We all looks so cute and nerdy in our outfits though
After the dance we went back to the house to attempt to watch a movie 
but that totally failed because we were all so tired we instantly passed out
[well maybe only I instantly passed out]

The next day we went back down to spend the day at Sand Hollow
Sand Hollow is super beautiful
[I wish I had more pictures of just the landscape there to show you]
We started of the day going cliff jumping and just swimming and tanning
{they tanned ... I burned} 
At around 7 we headed over to the beach side where the big Mob Hang out was going on
>they wanted you to pay 15 bucks (plus the 10 bucks you payed just to get into the park) yea non of us were going to do that ... again college students. come on now ...
so we just walked across some of the brush and then walked down the beach. Picked up some lays we found on the ground and put them on our arms so they couldn't tell we didnt have a wrist band. ... oh yea we are good<
Nitro Circus came and did a little show which was cool. 
There was a wake boarding contest, skim boarding stuff, sand/water volley ball, a giant blob thing, a DJ (that was actually pretty good) Oh yea and free food!
At the end of the day there was this giant dance on the beach 

After the dance we headed to Wendy's
The staff there loved us.

In total our order was:
7 jr. burgers
4 frosties
3 large fries
2 spicey chicken
3 honey mustard sauces
2 BBQ sauces
8 cups of ketchup
6 ranch cup things
6 cups of water
and 1 bag of lays that we brought in from the car

We were laughing SO hard that I almost cried
I wish I had a picture of the table when we had ALL of out garbage 
it was ridiculous! 

and of course
 ... in the spirit of being college students ...
we got everything off of the dollar menu 
and payed for some of it with purely change

Why yes being a college student is pretty awesome 
Especially when you have such amazing friends to share the experience with 

Love Always <3

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