Wednesday, March 7, 2012

sky scrappers

Spring break is almost here and I am heading home for my birthday. My birthday is not usually a time of the year that I particularly enjoy, for the obvious reasons with my Peter Pan view of life, but this year I am very excited. Not only am I coming home but my sister is coming home for the weekend too!! AND my mom WITH my dad are taking me out to dinner at my favorite sushi place! Words can not describe how excited I am about this. I also will be spending a lot of time with my best friend Liz, so be sure to stay turned for the adventures that we have. I decided I am going to try to blog everyday about my adventures that I'm having, included with an outfit of the day picture.  

These are all the clothes that I am bringing, for almost two weeks (I think I did a pretty good job. One carry on bag and I still have room in it) Here is my list:
-3 pairs of pants: boot jeans, black and maroon skinnies
-2 skirts: blue, and black with sparkles
-2 dresses
-1 pair of black leggings
-2 belts: pink bow and leather
-4 shirts: pink lace print tank, over sized baseball T, khaki knit sweater, grey lace corset 
-2 shoes: black booties, nude sparkly heels
>Plus a few workout clothes, a pair of skinny jeans for my mom to sew, and the outfit I'm wearing on the plane

Keep in mind that I am planning on doing some shopping, and by some I mean a lot ... in my mothers closet, my old closet, and a real mall! Yes, I am talking about a place that is three stores high with hundreds of stores filled with beautiful things. Granted most of these things will be way out of my price range but this doesn't mean that I can't go in to touch everything and try them on :) 

Oh I LOOOOOVE the city! Chicago Here I Come!! 

Love Always,

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