Friday, February 24, 2012

homeward bound

So lately I've been really homesick and just having a really hard time. After spending countless hours online shopping for my pinterest closet and hours upon hours on the phone with my mommy I decided, instead of flying my mom out here for my/her birthday, that I am going to fly home for spring break. My flight tickets are booked (still have to book my shuttle but whatever) and I am SOOOOOOOOO excited!! I just found out too that my sister is going to come home for the weekend while I am there so we can ALL be together!!! Spending time with my mom and sister are always my favorite moments. We don't always get along, granted if we are all together for longer than 72 hours there will most likely be a disagreement of some sort, we all still love each other. I know that I would lay down my life for either of them. I can't wait to get back home and just sit on the couch with them eating chinese food. Oh and possibly some haven't had pizza untill you've had some chicago deep dish. My sister and I both love too bake too, so you can for sure plan on some baking adventure blogs too.

This time I'm flying not driving too ... though I do love road trips

The countdown to March 8th begins :)))) 

Love always

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