Saturday, December 1, 2012

'tis the season

It's December !!
Do you know what that means?!

The happiest time of the year
The time where strangers do kind gestures for other strangers for no apparent reason
The time when stores play nothing but Christmas Songs
When houses and towns are covered in twinkle lights and it's a winter wonder land

It's the time of year where I can be my happy self and people don't accuse me of being on drugs
The time of year where I spend absolutely no money on my self, even if that means going hungry a few meals, so I can get my friends beautiful gift to let them know how much I love and care for them

I already have all of my gifts wrapped and ready for delivery
.... well almost all of them ....

If my house had Internet you can bet your butt that pandora would be playing nothing but Christmas music all the time

I don't know what it is about Christmas
I just love everything about it
and being in Cedar it's literally a winter wonder land

There is just so much I love about Christmas:
The smell of pines trees
Peppermint anything
Hot cocoa, tea or coffee at every and any hour
Christmas cookies and ginger bread houses
Twinkle lights inside and outside the house
Big sweaters, boots, scarves and hats
Mistletoe above the door
-I'll take the action I can get here-

Speaking of action
The only thing I am missing this holiday season is a holiday honey

I wish that I had someone I could spend a lazy Saturday with:

In the morning waking up in my Christmas Jammie's
 and wake him up with breakfast in bed
Dance around the house in my underwear
Spend all day cuddling and watching movies sipping hot cocoa
Spoiling him with presents that are weird but hilarious and no one would really understand but us
Doing nothing all day but play games and and messing around
Loving and spoiling him to endless amounts
Sitting by a fire eating chinese food out of the boxes and drinking wine out of tea cups
Maybe a snowball fight
Or riding around town with absolutely no destination but ending in the mountain somewhere
(in a big lifted truck)
Then fall asleep in the middle of no where under the giant bright Utah moon
-which for some reason looks so much bigger here-

Applications being accepted

Love always,

these christmas ornaments look like Victoria Secrets in a box.

he makes a great dance partner

my childhood

so girly

let it snow

our sad little christmas tree 

Hey Santa we are ready to be delivered!! 

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