Sunday, February 12, 2012

the hungry games

Tonight it was my night to make dinner. I had been planning on making this chicken and rice dish all week but I was informed that we were going down to Hurricane tomorrow so I had to make it tonight. What?! I'm new to this whole cooking thing, you have to give me time to prepare myself before I can just whip stuff together!! 
Besides my minor internal freak out, my thoughts also went to ... I am starving right now and there is no way I can wait 40 minutes for this rice to cook. So, I took a step back and came up with a brilliant idea.

Breakfast for dinner!! 

I ran to the kitchen and started searching for everything that I needed. Being a college student we never use the dishwasher, to save money, and we already had a pile of dishes in the sink. Think Courtney, what can you do to use as minimal dishes as possible....the magic bullet! Brillllliant (said in a mastermind voice) Those things are a wonderful amazing invention. If you don't have one you should get one. Just sayin
I grabbed the pancake mix and threw in the ingredients. In the mean time I found some sausage patties in the fridge....perfect. I cranked up the ipod and started on my breakfast dinner adventure. 
I don't know how many of you have ever made sausages before, but when you are hyper and can't sit still they are one of the last things you want to make. Sitting and waiting is not something I am very good at. So in between cooking the sausages and pancakes I did all of the dishes in the sink and the magic bullet. From there I went dancing around the kitchen and singing to my own words (I never really know the words to songs so I just make them up). 
Another challenge of making food for other people; you cant eat as you go. You have to make all the food and then share it with everyone. Okay the sharing part is kind of fun. However, the letting it sit on a plate and stare at you while you finish cooking the other amazingly smelling foods. Let's just say that I made 5 pancakes .... but he only thought I made 4 :) shhh don't tell
To top off my beautiful breakfast dinner I threw some chocolate chips into the batter and add a bit of syrup. I went to bed with a smile on my face and a very happy tummy. 

Love Always

PS... If you ever make pancakes but don't finish them put them in a zip-block baggie and stick them in the fridge. The next morning when you want to eat them again put them in the toaster. It sounds kind of funny but trust me they are sooo yummy.

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