Monday, April 9, 2012

caffeine college

Maybe it's because I'm in college that I find myself up at crazy hours of the night and always seem to have some sort of homework or task that needs to be done. Yet even with as much free time as I have with my schedule,  I still find myself not having enough time to get everything done. So I did the most logical thing I could think of ... I turned into a coffee addict. Correction .... a coffee snob. 

Though I am a almost a member of the Starbucks Gold card club, there is something about the local cafes that just call to me. There are a few that make great coffees that I would love more than anything to work at. Until then though, I have made it my mission to learn how to brew the perfect cup of jo. For my birthday I got a french press, that I highly recommend to everyone. It's simple, easy to use, and works like a charm every time. (Oh,  and it doubles to brew free leaf teas too) I make all my own syrups, steam and froth my milk; I can make flavored lattes or just a great cappuccino. I would venture to say that I am getting pretty darn good! 

I decided to take it to the next step though. I've been a little down lately and everyone around me keeps treating themselves to these beautiful things. Why shouldn't I?! Generally, I try to avoid shopping to make myself feel better, because it usually ends up in debt and a bunch of things that I don't want, but I decided to do it this time. SO, I went to amazon and bought myself a cheap espresso maker so I can better master my skills. I'm super excited :)) stay tuned for new pictures and maybe even a little latte art! 

One step closer to my dream of opening up my own coffee shop one day. 
Now all I need is a job.  

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