Friday, July 20, 2012

beach ranting

Since moving to Utah I have definitely become a lot more independent. 
I am one of those people who just doesn't like doing anything by myself
What can I say I an extrovert 
I have been doing a lot better with this though!

The other day I went other day I went to the beach 
all by myself

At first I was like wow I feel like such a loser right now.
There was also only like two other people, on the farthest end of the beach, so the chances of me running into someone I knew were very slim ... making me feel even better 
I set camp right by the water and was really starting to enjoy myself

The warmth of the sun
The cool breeze
The music in my ears with the sound of the water in the background
Ahh Pure bliss

About 30 minutes in two mothers, each bring 4 children, came and sat at the picnic table behind me
This didn't bother me too much because they kept there distance and the kids were playing nicely

I also enjoyed watching the little one year try to figure out how to walk in the sand
It was pretty stinken cute

About 20 minutes in 4 more mothers came, bring with them probably 15 kids
all under the age 8
I was starting to get a bit irritated now because they had the entire beach and they had to pick right where I was sitting to play
The kids were screaming and yelling in the water
and the mothers were yelling at the kids to stop screaming and play nicer
The kids kept running around me and kicking all their sand on my towel and in my face
have you ever gotten sand in your nose?! 
It's a very unpleasant feeling

oh wait it get's better friends

So THEN probably another 3 more mothers come bringing with them another 10-15 kids!

Not only did they pick to sit right by me
oh no
they decided to sit literally

The mothers made this line of beach chairs, toys, giant bags, and coolers
They had the entire beach and picked one spot RIGHT where I was

I have proof!!
Yes that is my towel in the corner and that is the first half of the line that extends much further to the right of my towel ... yelling and screaming children and mothers yapping about mommy things ... Oh yes and if you look at the far left side of the picture, you can see the entire beach was totally empty. Mind you there we about 10 other picnic tables on this beach as well. 

Pure bliss

Really ladies?!
You have the ENTIRE BEACH
Why on earth did you have to pick the spot where the loner girl was sitting 

So Rude. 
Thank you mommy day care for ruining my day out by myself
I guess it's true what they say about traveling in a groups

Thank you for listening to my rant. 
That is all.

Love Always <3

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