Friday, May 18, 2012

furry friends

Since I've been so lonely the only thing I keep thinking about is how it would all be a lot better if I just had a pet. Not just any pet though .... a puppy! I mean lets be honest, who doesn't love puppies?! They are soo stinken cute, they are cuddley, they smell so good, they are always happy to see you, have an endless amount of kisses, and are always read to play.

This here my friends is my adorable little monster Belle. 

She brings me up in so many ways; she's always smiley, always happy to see you, loves to cuddle, she's hilarious, loves to eat, loves to play, knows just what to say to make me smile and make everything better. I miss her dearly, and feel a bit guilty about thinking about getting another pup when she is back at home with my dad.

Let's be honest though. I'm a college student who can barely take care of herself right now. Getting a dog would be the last thing I need. Dogs are super high maintenance, especially Belle because she is fighting Addison disease, and take up a lot of time and money. 

This made me get to thinking ... what's another animal that is soft, cuddly, and cute but not as high maintenance? A kitten of course! 
There is only one problem--I am super allergic to them. I am most definitely more of a dog person than a cat person, but they have their cute moments. 

If I had a cat I could name it Cat and it would love me very much. I would put pretty ribbons around it's neck and it would enjoy a nice cup of coffee or tea with me while I study, read, and blog. It could play in my sock drawer and rub against my legs purring while I scratch and kiss it's little head. I would feel comfortable leaving it alone in the house while I'm at school, or work {if I had a job}. 
I would also have a fear deep inside me though that I would come home to my room torn to shreds and pee all over everything. Walking into the house and all I smell is kitty liter ... ick! 

Conclusion ... 


Now for an adorable montage of my beautiful little babies
enjoy :)

Love Always <3

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