Friday, May 18, 2012

moving day

Shadow Box: TJmax Homegoods

This weekend I'm moving!! 
I'm super excited because I get to totally redecorate my new room, but I'm also a little nervous too. This is how I had my jewelry set up in my room at Ryan's. He didn't care if I used push-pins in the wall, so that's exactly what I did for just about everything. There are so many things you can do with those little buggers! I also love vintage bottles, so I put them on top of the box and stuffed them with dried out flowers. The flower in the Dr. Pepper bottle is the flower that Ryan gave me for our first valentines day. I wish I would have pressed it so I could keep it forever (any other ideas for preserving it please let me know). The Cola bottle has flowers that I bought myself one day because I was feeling kind of down, just a random little pick me up. The little bottle has fake flowers. The little bottle and the flowers used to sit on my mommy's night stand, but she let me have them what I went back to visit for spring break. Stay tuned for pictures of my new place! 

I also wanted to let you all know that I have made my decision. As of today I am not going to apply for any more jobs. I am going to stay here for summer school and if still even then no substantial hourly paying job comes along, then after summer school I am going to return home. Hopefully, while I'm there I can get some kind of internship so I have a bit of something to do, and of course help my mom with her jobs too. I know that being home with my mom would really just give me the boost that I need to make it through next year.  
When I come back in the fall I am going to reapply for the retail store that I love so much. I'm also working with the school trying to get a work study job as well. 

Honestly, at this point I am kind of hoping that no one calls because I really just want to go home and be with my family and friends. I can get reconnected and recentered so that next semester I can come back the person that I used to be. 

Love Always <3

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